Weekly Digest #8

What is ONCE?

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As I’ve been reviewing many tool submissions, I’ve had reason to consider exactly what ONCE means.

What tools should be included and what shouldn’t, some of my thought mainly around pricing…

Pay at least ONCE

Everyone loves free software, but building a sustainable business requires charging users for your software. Just because you can use it forever, don’t mean it’ll be listed.


A generous free tier that you could in theory use forever also doesn’t match with the once approach, especially when comes with the hope that customers will upgrade to a recurring subscription. As long as users have the option to upgrade for one time payment freemium is okay.


Buying credits, for say a headshot generator, is not lifetime usage. Yes you pay once, and use the credits whenever you want, but use once is not ONCE.

Maybe if you can re-upload your images and generate new headshots as often as you’d like, but that’s typically not the model with selling credits.

Early Adopter Lifetime Deals

Lifetime deals are a great way to get revenue early and test if you have product market fit, but they won’t be listed. If user can’t buy once when they click thru well that defeats the purposed of a directory.

Deals may be included in the newsletter, make sure to reach out directly if you have an limited time deal I should write about.

Let me know what you think or if you think I should reconsider anything here.

Product Highlights

CountVisits: Made for busy founders, those who don't have time to set up custom events and figure out how they work. It uses AI to automatically determine what needs to be configured, like waitlist signups or purchases.

Retable: All your data, spreadsheets, workspaces or projects at your fingerprints. Take your data management to the next level with the powerful online database software. Keep everything in sync with collaborative, smart and no-code spreadsheet software.

If you have any suggestions for the ONCE newsletter or the website please drop me a reply, I’d love to hear them.
