Weekly Digest #21

Tools added this week

New Tools This Week

This week we saw the announcement of a new mail software, available with a ONCE payment for a short time…

00 is a dashboard for sending and monitoring emails via AWS SES. 00 provides an SST configuration to set everything on the AWS side up, as well as a dashboard and api for monitoring and sending emails. It's software you can buy, own and self host.

More details about Writebook, on the 37 Signals podcast…

We added some cool new tools…

FramerBite: Explore a wide range of premium and free Framer template and resources at FramerBite. Enhance your Framer journey with FramerBite and unlock endless possibilities for your projects.

staarter.dev: Set up the foundation of your SaaS with staarter, and focus on innovating rather than boilerplating
