Weekly Digest #2

is ONCE the future?

Following the release of Campfire, there have been a lot of discussions about once vs recurring billing. Very interesting takes from veterans of the SaaS industry.

Latest News

Is ONCE enough? A great conversation between @mijustin, @ianlandsman and @tylertringas.

Campfire is SaaS without the aaS
Interesting thoughts on how ONCE can behave a lot SaaS from DHH. 37signals have already shipped 3 updates to Campfire.

@DHH also shared that Campire has had over $250K worth of sales early in the first week!

Finally, some beautiful packaging design for Campire, from @PierreDeWulf. Could we see a return to golden age of software packaging?

Product Highlights

Reposter by Releasy: Organize, schedule and share posts on X for free in minutes. Reposter continues a trend that I think is great for ONCE, bring your own API keys. Fits perfectly with the ONCE idea.

RapidForms by @sidi_jeddou_dev: Create shareable and embeddable online forms like newsletter, waitlist, and contacts that look great with no effort or coding skills. Pricing started at $99 and could increase to $568 based on sales.

This newsletter will have soon have a companion website, that will serve as a long term archive for the products we’ve found, but in will make it much easier to search and browse just the product you’re looking for.

At the start only the the editors will have the ability to add products, but we’ll be adding a way for users to submit and manage their listings. A sneak peek for the website can be seen below…

WIP once.tools

If you have any suggestions for the ONCE newsletter or the website please drop me a reply, I’d love to hear them.
